[Above--The original photo finish is in the style done
by a professional photo studio about 1900.
Printed at the bottom of photo on far right with baby sitting in wicker chair is
"J.B.Lee & Co. ANTHONY, KANSAS". ]
[Below--The original photo finish is in the style done
by a non-professional about 1900 and in a casual poise and setting.]
(22 Sep 2012 – In June 2009, at
age 63, I began to research my Family History, not even knowing the full names
or birth dates of my grandparents or their parents. With the help of some Family members, the
Internet, findagrave.com, and Ancestry.com, the Story of my Family was revealed. However, there was a box covered in dust that
sat in the back of my closet, where faded photographs some over 100 years old awaited—ready
to be awakened. The faces looking back
at me from those photos were members of my Family from my maternal lineage, whose Life's Journey began
and finished before I was born--their names not written on the backs of the
photos, their Life's Story forever unknown and passed. In their honor, I post their images here IN
REMEMBRANCE with the company of prose/poetry. Submitted by: Dorothy Hazel Tarr)
[Above Photos are of professional studio quality about 1900. Left-to-right:
Subject--Young girl about age 8 with very curly hair, wearing
a necklace and a bracelet on her left wrist, nice dress with lace around the
neckline; printing in corner "ELLIOTS".
Subject—Young female about age 17 wearing dress with
lace trim and necklace pinned to top bodice button; printing is "Mrs.
Reed, Branch House, LaGrange, MO, Quincy, Ill."
Subject—Young female about age 17 wearing light colored
dress (probably a wedding dress) with a necklace; printing is "Mayberry
Memory Box - In
Dorothy Hazel Tarr, © 2012
There is a dusty box of mystery -
Set out of time and place -
Of loved ones' Lives -
Now faded into history.
Who are these folks looking back at me -
Through time's photography?
They are a part of me -
And, I call them Family!
are of professional studio quality about 1900.
about age 27 appears to be well to do by the style of his
clothes and the terrific grooming of his mustache, beard, and hair. This
looks to be a newspaper cutout that was mounted on to hard paper.
about age 30 appears to be well
to do by the clothes and grooming of his beard, mustache, and hair. The photo was done professionally in a studio
on a colorized "yellow" paper or else it has colored from age. Printed on the lower part of the photo is:
about age 40. This fine looking gentleman is dressed in suit and bow
tie, with wonderful eyes, eyebrows, mustache, beard, lots of hair, and a
wonderful nose. The photo is very faded
but is in good condition. It looks to be
made by a professional photographer or studio for such a well-lighted-close-up. (I wonder though if he was teased about his
large nose during his lifetime. He has
wonderful nice eyes when you look at the photo magnified; he is just
The Old
Author: C. Nathalie
Ellen Milliken, © 2005
It speaks of times now
long ago
In a voice so soft and low,
“Come, my friend, see what you can see,
Come and take a look at me.
My bright colors are faded and dim,
But my spirit is bright within,
Pictures of people in days gone by,
Laughing and crying, we know not why,
Cards and pamphlets, and programs old,
What are the stories they have told?
Wrapping paper, an old gift tag,
Pieces of this, and bits of that,
Little treasures that people have saved,
Celebrations of special days,
So many memories my pages fill,
They’re waiting now to give you a thrill,
So come, my friend, come take a look,
I am a very special old book,
My binding is cracked, but my heart is whole,
Looking at me is like finding gold.
In a voice so soft and low,
“Come, my friend, see what you can see,
Come and take a look at me.
My bright colors are faded and dim,
But my spirit is bright within,
Pictures of people in days gone by,
Laughing and crying, we know not why,
Cards and pamphlets, and programs old,
What are the stories they have told?
Wrapping paper, an old gift tag,
Pieces of this, and bits of that,
Little treasures that people have saved,
Celebrations of special days,
So many memories my pages fill,
They’re waiting now to give you a thrill,
So come, my friend, come take a look,
I am a very special old book,
My binding is cracked, but my heart is whole,
Looking at me is like finding gold.
is professional studio quality about 1910.
baby about age 11 months dressed in a
VERY fancy dress and barefoot. The
photographer was able to capture the baby with a terrific smile.
The photo was prepared in a very
professional folder with fancy tissue paper protectively covering the photo.
Strangers in the Box
Author: Pamela A. Harazim, ©1997
Author: Pamela A. Harazim, ©1997
Come, look with me
inside this drawer,
In this box I've often seen,
At the pictures, black and white,
Faces proud, still, serene.
In this box I've often seen,
At the pictures, black and white,
Faces proud, still, serene.
I wish I knew the
These strangers in the box,
Their names and all their memories
Are lost among my socks.
These strangers in the box,
Their names and all their memories
Are lost among my socks.
I wonder what their
lives were like.
How did they spend their days?
What about their special times?
I'll never know their ways.
How did they spend their days?
What about their special times?
I'll never know their ways.
If only someone had
taken time
To tell who, what, where, when,
These faces of my heritage
Would come to life again.
To tell who, what, where, when,
These faces of my heritage
Would come to life again.
Could this become
the fate
Of the pictures we take today?
The faces and the memories
Someday to be tossed/passed away?
Of the pictures we take today?
The faces and the memories
Someday to be tossed/passed away?
Make time to save
your pictures,
Seize the opportunity when it knocks,
Or someday you and yours could be
The strangers in the box.
Seize the opportunity when it knocks,
Or someday you and yours could be
The strangers in the box.
*NOTE: The poem Strangers in the Box has been on the
Internet with both the words tossed and passed, so I have included them
both, for I have not found which one is the word originally intended by the author. dht

[Photo about 1917.
The men are not wearing any badges, decals, or medals. The
male on the far left in the photo is the only one wearing a cap; the other
males have a VERY CLOSE haircut. The
footwear is some type of shoe with a "spat like" covering, which I
have seen in old war movies. Two males
to the right have some type of square tag on their shirts; but I could not read
it when I enlarged this photo. There are
no signs in the yard or on the buildings.
It could be some kind of recruitment training camp for WW I or some type
of work-program-camp. I do NOT believe
they are prisoners for they are too well groomed and are looking very happy and
content, with some of them putting their arms about their fellows! The time of year would be Spring or Fall,
because of the sparse leaves on the trees in the background.]
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