Saturday, April 21, 2012

TREASURES of the Heart!

[PHOTOS: Hippeastrum papilio (The Butterfly Lily) - my treasure -- a gift from my BELOVED Aunt Nette. Photos taken by me with my camera in my backyard - April 2012]


A rare amaryllis native of Brazil called Hippeastrum papilio (The Butterfly Lily).  It looks like a mauve tiger in color -- very unusual.  Aunt "Nette" Jeannette Scott (grand daughter of James Alfred Scott and Mary Grace Jennings Scott) gifted me this beautiful plant on Thanksgiving 2011. She said, "My son, Rick, gave it to me some years ago and it has been a hardy one."  

A spectacular houseplant or patio potted plant with exotically shaped flowers of greens and purples—often featured as the highlight cover special in national mail order catalogs. I have it in a pot on my covered patio where it gets plenty of sun, but is sheltered from wind, rain, and frost.

LOVE YOU, Aunt Nette, you are the BEST! 

Some SOURCE LINKS for more on this plant –